Monday, October 25, 2010

Race or Ego

        Mitch Albom addresses in his article the natural tendency of people to bring up the issue of race. People shouldn't point to or ask about the role of a person's race in most circumstances. Particularly in LeBron James' case, any negative response toward him was pegged as being a result of his race. In my opinion, people all too often wrongly point to a person's race as the reason for the dislike or disapproval of him. It may be the person's character not his race that's in question. However, the focus remains on his race which gives him an out for his poor behavior. It is not only possible but probable that most of LeBron's fans originally supported him because of his talent in basketball. They probably broke away from LeBron because of his ego not his race. Albom makes a very effective point of stating a scenario where LeBron becomes Leo, a white basketball player. "Leo" still had an hour long special on himself and still said, "I'm gonna take my talents to South Beach." Therefore, as Albom strongly states, "ego knows no color." Black or white, LeBron James has a massive ego and no race likes it.

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